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李月  刘晃  谢正丽 《核农学报》2022,36(10):1975-1983
为研究样本预处理方式对罗氏沼虾碳和氮稳定同位素比值检测的影响,分别选用3种保存温度(常温23℃/15 d、冷藏2℃/90 d、冷冻-18℃/360 d)、2种取样方式(虾仁取样、整虾取样),以新鲜沼虾样本为对照组,对比不同样本预处理方式对罗氏沼虾碳稳定同位素比值(δ13C)、氮稳定同位素比值(δ15N)、碳氮比(C/N)的影响。结果表明,不同保存温度和不同取样方式对罗氏沼虾δ13C、δ15N、C/N的影响明显。与对照组相比,常温保存条件下的δ15N偏移量最大(1.31‰~13.16‰,平均值为6.02‰),冷冻保存条件下的δ13C偏移量最大(2.34‰~2.84‰,平均值为2.57‰),室温保存条件下的C/N显著增加(P<0.05),冷藏和冷冻保存条件下的C/N显著减少(P<0.05)。不同取样方式对罗氏沼虾δ15N、δ13C的影响还取决于保存温度,在冷冻保存条件下,整虾取样的δ15N、δ13C显著高于虾仁取样,而在常温保存条件下,整虾取样的δ15N偏移量显著低于虾仁取样。因此,常温(23℃)和冷藏(2℃)条件不适合保存罗氏沼虾、冷冻(-18℃)保存罗氏沼虾的时间不宜超过60 d,建议新鲜沼虾采集后应立即干燥并开展碳和氮稳定同位素检测。本研究结果为水产品碳和氮稳定同位素比值检测的样本预处理方式提供了参考。  相似文献   
Sudden pulse-like events of rapidly increasing CO2-efflux occur in soils under seasonally dry climates in response to rewetting after drought. These occurrences, termed “Birch effect”, can have a marked influence on the ecosystem carbon balance. Current hypotheses indicate that the “Birch” pulse is caused by rapidly increased respiration and mineralization rates in response to changing moisture conditions but the underlying mechanisms are still unclear. Here, we present data from an experimental field study using straight-forward stable isotope methodology to gather new insights into the processes induced by rewetting of dried soils and evaluate current hypotheses for the “Birch“-CO2-pulse. Two irrigation experiments were conducted on bare soil, root-free soil and intact vegetation during May and August 2005 in a semi-arid Mediterranean holm oak forest in southern Portugal. We continuously monitored CO2-fluxes along with their isotopic compositions before, during and after the irrigation. δ13C signatures of the first CO2-efflux burst, occurring immediately after rewetting, fit the hypothesis that the “Birch” pulse is caused by the rapid mineralization of either dead microbial biomass or osmoregulatory substances released by soil microorganisms in response to hypo-osmotic stress in order to avoid cell lyses. The response of soil CO2-efflux to rewetting was smaller under mild (May) than under severe drought (August) and isotopic compositions indicated a larger contribution of anaplerotic carbon uptake with increasing soil desiccation. Both length and severity of drought periods probably play a key role for the microbial response to the rewetting of soils and thus for ecosystem carbon sequestration.  相似文献   
自2010年7月至2011年7月对重庆青木关岩溶区典型植被下的土壤水进行了月动态取样,分析了土壤水溶解无机碳含量(DIC浓度)及其稳定碳同位素组成(δ13 CDIC值)的时空变化特征,以揭示岩溶土壤系统碳酸盐岩溶蚀作用及其碳汇效应.研究结果表明:草地和针叶林地土壤水的DIC浓度和δ13 CDIC值相对较低,分别为59.12 mg/L和-17.22%,31.47 mg/L和-16.37‰;而旱地、灌丛地、退耕还林地土壤水具有较高的DIC浓度和δ13 CDIC值,分别达153.88 mg/L和-12.2‰,221.82 mg/L和-11.9‰,97.30 mg/L和-11.23‰,其中灌丛和退耕还林地的δ13CDIC值与DIC浓度呈正比,且雨季较旱季偏高约4‰-5‰.根据δ13CDIC值,结合各植被类型下土壤水DIC浓度与其相应的土壤碳酸盐含量呈正相关,判断旱地、灌丛地、退耕还林地等岩溶土壤水中的DIC主要来自土壤中碳酸盐岩矿物的碳酸溶蚀,即岩溶土壤中存在着碳酸盐岩碳酸溶蚀作用,从而在一定程度上减少了土壤系统向大气排放的CO2量.  相似文献   
为研究植物营养元素来源,对贵州龙里地区黄壤上生长的12种主要植物的部分营养元素含量及Sr同位素特征进行了分析。结果表明:喀斯特地区黄壤上的植物具有高钙含量,营养元素含量由高到低排序为CaKMg;研究区植物的Ca、K、Sr平均含量均高出报道的陆生植物的平均含量,但比贵州地区同样以灰岩为母质发育而来的石灰土上生长的植物低;植物样品的87Sr/86Sr同位素比值变化范围在0.708 56~0.711 45之间。基于锶同位素组成的端员模式计算结果表明,除了苔藓、石松的营养元素主要来源于大气输入外,其他植物的营养元素主要来源于土壤风化。   相似文献   
The impact of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) may be mitigated, in part, by enhanced rates of net primary production and greater C storage in plant biomass and soil organic matter (SOM). However, C sequestration in forest soils may be offset by other environmental changes such as increasing tropospheric ozone (O3) or vary based on species-specific growth responses to elevated CO2. To understand how projected increases in atmospheric CO2 and O3 alter SOM formation, we used physical fractionation to characterize soil C and N at the Rhinelander Free Air CO2-O3 Enrichment (FACE) experiment. Tracer amounts of 15NH4+ were applied to the forest floor of Populus tremuloides, P. tremuloides-Betula papyrifera and P. tremuloides-Acer saccharum communities exposed to factorial CO2 and O3 treatments. The 15N tracer and strongly depleted 13C-CO2 were traced into SOM fractions over four years. Over time, C and N increased in coarse particulate organic matter (cPOM) and decreased in mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM) under elevated CO2 relative to ambient CO2. As main effects, neither CO2 nor O3 significantly altered 15N recovery in SOM. Elevated CO2 significantly increased new C in all SOM fractions, and significantly decreased old C in fine POM (fPOM) and MAOM over the duration of our study. Overall, our observations indicate that elevated CO2 has altered SOM cycling at this site to favor C and N accumulation in less stable pools, with more rapid turnover. Elevated O3 had the opposite effect, significantly reducing cPOM N by 15% and significantly increasing the C:N ratio by 7%. Our results demonstrate that CO2 can enhance SOM turnover, potentially limiting long-term C sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems; plant community composition is an important determinant of the magnitude of this response.  相似文献   
土壤磷酸盐氧同位素分析方法和应用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在一定温度下磷酸盐和周边水体氧的同位素分馏仅受生物活动控制,因此磷酸盐氧同位素成为生态系统中磷源和磷循环研究的良好示踪剂。介绍了磷酸盐氧同位素研究应用的理论基础和近几年来针对土壤富含有机质,氧元素来源多样的特点发展起来的土壤磷酸盐氧同位素的分析和纯化方法,综述了磷酸盐氧同位素在土壤磷源示踪和磷循环应用研究中的初步进展,并提出目前研究存在的局限和对未来工作的展望。  相似文献   
为研究示踪剂转移的非均匀动力学过程,在0时刻向烟草一次性引入某种示踪剂后,根据烟草对这种示踪剂吸收快、排除慢的情况,假设烟叶和烟茎对这种示踪剂的吸收是二次函数关系,而对这种示踪剂的排除是线性函数关系,建立了烟叶的单库室Logistic示踪模型和烟叶一烟茎的两库室二次非线性耦合示踪动力学模型.对2种模型的定性结果分析表明...  相似文献   
农田土壤氮素迁移是影响区域环境质量的重要过程。通过综述近期在区域有机氮迁移以及稳定性同位素和模型研究方法方面的进展,指出:我国有机氮源的氮素损失在人口稠密和养殖业发达的区域已经成为非点源污染的重要来源;小流域氮素输出中可溶性有机氮是一个重要组成,其输出过程受气候以及人为引起的植被、土壤及水文过程的变化的影响;稳定性氮氧同位素可以识别水体中陆源氮污染物的分布;基于GIS的过程模型可以定量分析区域氮素迁移的数量及其环境效应。进一步提出了目前需要加强农田有机氮迁移过程及其影响机制的研究,发展基于稳定性同位素的区域氮素迁移定量方法,建立稻田生态系统和水旱轮作系统的氮素迁移定量评价模型,并归纳了减少面源污染的区域氮素迁移调控措施。  相似文献   
研究了饲料中C3植物含量不同时对牛不同组织中稳定性同位素碳、氮组成的影响。18头12~14月龄的青年牛随机分为6组,分别饲喂C3植物含量为50.0%、60.0%、70.0%、80.0%、90.0%、100.0%的饲料,132 d后屠宰。利用同位素比值质谱仪测定了牛尾毛、脱脂牛肉、粗脂肪、各种饲料的δ13C和δ15N值。结果表明,牛组织中碳同位素主要受饲料的影响,牛尾毛、脱脂肌肉、粗脂肪中的δ13C值随着C3植物含量在牛饲料中的比例增大而降低,并且均与C3植物含量呈极显著的负相关关系,用牛组织中的δ13C值可以预测饲料中C3植物所占的比例。牛组织中的氮同位素一定程度上受饲料因素的影响,但未随C3植物含量呈现规律性变化。牛不同组织中δ13C和δ15N与饲料之间的富集或贫化比例与其他报道并不一致。  相似文献   
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